A Dream Life - 63 A little bit of soap

My sister, Ice-cream Underwood, loves traveling, and she never forget to bring handmade soaps home as presents for me. A little bit of soap everyday, from morning till night, I use the hand made goat milk soap washing face (made in Xinjiang); I use the rice bran oil soap for shampoo and shower. I make a telephone call to my sister, "Ice-cream, I wish you can find out the rent of a shop at the ground floor of Football club, or if there is any shop available. I wish to find out the profitability to operate a shop."
If the soaps are sold without packaging, only wrap with a paper bag when sold, the price of the soaps may be cheaper. And I want to sell the soaps are made by small factories. Would the transportation costs of soaps too high?
I have to find out the data, in order to work out my marketing plan, I do not want to make a loss.
(To Be Continued)
