A Dream Life - 51 Too much decoration

I went to one of the fashion magazine editors home, she lived in the top floor of a townhouse. 700 square feet, too much interior decoration, such as an indoor platform, built-in closets, false ceiling and chandelier, a big goldfish glass box, walls of mirrors and wall shelves, and big sofa, dinning table plus six chairs. Very luxury but vulgar.
She had spent more than the price of her flat on decoration.
After I gave her a pot plant golden color roses, I went home.
I have been thinking of expanding my marketing agency to interior decoration. Getting Andy and Joshua together, selling classy furniture and accessories.
But how many classy customers are there in the market?
How many of them like vintage cars? Art works? Designers' furniture?
I telephone Joshua, "You had been studied in Japan, learning design, am I correct? Can you design wooden furniture? Can sit down safely, that kind of design,  I meant."
Now I shall contact a Vietnam wooden furniture manufacturer to make the classy wooden furniture, and I need to buy more art works, artistic lamps, etc.
But who will buy from us?
(To Be Continued)
