A Dream life - 47 Three Wheels motorcycle

A friend shows me a photograph of a three wheels motorcycle, I tell him I want one, but he says, "It was a 1920 motorcycle, the manufacturer was closed down. May be you can ask another motorcycle manufacturer to make one for you. A prototype for promotion, they may accept your order."
Life is always not appeared what I wanted, just like this government.
I wish to vanish social conflicts, but the fortune teller predicted a riot will be on 1st October. I am trying to eliminate the discontents of the elderly people, putting 1 million old age residents to the Big Gulf, staying in the elderly hostel; and I am trying to put away 1 million residents who are living under poverty  from their coffin size homes, and put them in the Big Gulf selling hand made items in the flea market.
There shall only have 5 millions residents remain in Hong Kong on October. However slumps always happened on October.
I write another email to Mr. So:
Mr. So, if you stay on your job just because government can not find another suitable person for this job; you should leave, and help me to build a paradise in the Big Gulf.
The government has never been and will never have an ability to let the residents living in affordable housing. The poverty and housing time bomb will be exploded soon.
I had a chat with the social workers, they said to me that they believed my prediction of Hong Kong is going towards a recession.
Mr. So, if you cannot stop the properties price raising, Hong Kong GDP was lifted up by the property price alone. 1 million people living under poverty become even worse off,  therefore they decided to leave Hong Kong behind, all of them going to the Big Gulf looking for new business opportunity is the only solution.
Can you help these people before your term of office expired.
(To Be Continued)
