A Dream Life - 34 pay raise

The banker of my soap factory asked me if I will give the worker a pay raise.
Yes, because the computer software is ready for my factory's auto pay wages.
Therefore, from first of May of this year, the hourly wage is HK$ 34.5 I hope the workers are happy when they'd received their payment.
Joshua will look after my businesses in Hong Kong, and Australian officials will take care of my investments in Australia. Now I have time to help my friends in the Middle East. If they can maintain a peaceful living environment for the civilians, I can take care of the economic development.
My brother Howard and my friend, John Burns, will inspect the aftermath of wars, this information is important to my economic plan, I want to know the distribution of sex and age of the places, and the pollution of water and soil.
Da Vinci is my friend, he is not Leonardo, his surname is Hong.
I telephone Vinci, "Do you have any idea of Private Equity?"
Vinci, "What Private Equity? What do you want to do with it?"
"Risky investments in the aftermath of war. They do not want aid, they want economic recovery. I need capital from businessmen and private enterprises. Investment will be on the primary, and second industries, such as farming and manufacturing.
A fast track to economic recovery, all the transactions and wages payments will be in Hong Kong dollars. Yes, using Hong Kong Dollars in the Middle East."
Vinci, "I am interested, and I shall ask my family members to join this Private Equity."
(To Be Continued)
