A dream life - 15 The speed boat

Joshua sailing the speed boat from the public dock at the waterfront of Causeway Bay to Gareth Cheung's new house at Southern Hong Kong Island.
Gareth comes out to the terrace at the waterfront at the back of his house, waving to us. He asks, "why don't you keep this boat?"
Joshua says, "Josephine's insurance policy doesn't allow her to sail again. Because she was involved in a Police & bandits chase at the sea. She was speeding when chasing the the bandits' boat at the speed restricted zone , and when she sailed close to the bandits' boat, she'd thrown a long rope, the rope end was tied a steel ball, it hit the motor of the bandits' boat. The rope tangled up the fan's petals, and slowed down."
Gareth asks, "why she was banned to sail again?"
I say, "The insurance company read the court judgment, found out I was speeding."
Gareth, "Being a good resident is not easy."
I ask Gareth, "How's the business of that Internet TV company?"
Gareth, "Everything is under schedule, will soon release our new programs."
Joshua says, "We will go to Melbourne for a week the trip will be at the end of this year, it is the open day of the RMIT university, the art and design works will be exhibited, we wish to find some potential artists supplying works for my gallery. I will order a new canoe home, do you want one?"
Gareth, "Yes, I want one. and please help me to buy a pair of lawn-mower's boots, too."
I say, "Now I wear rain boots."
Gareth, "Lawn-mower's boots look normal; they can be wore in the office."
After dinner, Gareth drives us home, we are sitting on his second hand Holden car.
(To be continued)
